How Does Food Impact Health?
Changes in Macro- and Micro-Contexts and Earnings One of the most noticable changes in the macro- and micro-contexts beyond the home’s direct control was the closure of physical offices. In Germany, about 30% of respondents were impacted by it, in Denmark more than 40%, and in Slovenia more than 70% of the participants were impacted.
001) is also mirrored in the number of households who experienced an earnings loss due to the pandemic. Overall, only 9% of Denmark’s sample families experienced income loss, 23% in Germany, however more than 50% in Slovenia (Z-test for comparison of proportions, p < 0. 001). Although German homes reported relatively greater income gain than the other two nations, all 3 nations experienced considerably more earnings loss than income gain.
Food Poverty and Anxiety Table 3 likewise reveals the modifications in between previously and throughout COVID-19 reported by the sample households in terms of missed out on meals and stress and anxiety about obtaining food. Relating to missed out on meals, there was little change in between previously and during in all 3 countries. Regarding stress and anxiety about getting food, there was significant boost from before to throughout (Z-test for comparison of proportions, p < 0.
Changes in Food-Related Behaviors Frequency of Food Shopping Our data plainly reveals that the mean frequency of food shopping substantially reduced throughout the pandemic compared to prior to (paired-samples t-tests, p < 0. 001; see Supplementary Figure 1). This result was more noticable for fresh food compared to non-fresh food (Additional Figure 1).
Food, Culture & Society, Volume 25, Issue 2 (2022)

Remarkably, these numbers were substantially lower in Denmark and Germany (Z-tests for comparison of proportions, p < 0. 05), where only 2730% (DK) and 2028% (DE) of respondents reported a reduction in shopping frequency of fresh food, and 23% (DK) and 16% (DE) for non-fresh food. In other words, most of participants from Denmark and Germany did not minimize their shopping frequency.
01 other than for dairy in DK with p < 0. 05 and dairy in DE p < 0. 1). The consumption frequencies of non-fresh food, by contrast, significantly increased in Denmark and Germany in the classifications of ready-made meals, sweet treats (cake & biscuits, sugary foods & chocolate), and alcoholic drinks, and in Germany, the mean intake frequency of canned food also increased (all effects significant at the level p < 0.
05). In Slovenia, the mean usage frequencies of non-fresh food did not substantially alter other than for ready-made meals where a substantial decline (p < 0. 01) was observed. Nevertheless, the contrast of mean intake frequencies does not permit insights into the proportions of people who changed their consumption frequencies during the pandemic compared to previously, and it masks the following fascinating observations.

Some people reduced, others increased, and yet others did not change their consumption frequency (see Figure 2). In some classifications, these diverging patterns “canceled out” each other so that the mean consumption frequency did not significantly change. Our observation of diverging patterns in food usage modifications are novel insights which can not be discovered by taking a look at aggregated information like patterns in retail sales or changes in mean usage frequencies.
Food: Identity of Culture and Religion, ResearchGate
Depending on the food classification, in between 15 and 42% of consumers altered their consumption frequency during the pandemic compared to prior to (Figure 2). Table 4 maps the modifications in food usage by classification. Overall, the significantly greatest proportions of people who changed consumption frequencies were observed in Slovenia (Z-tests for comparison of percentages, p < 0.
Rates of modification in food intake frequency by food classification. Remarkably, there are great resemblances in between the three nations concerning the food classifications with the greatest and lowest rates of modification (by rate of modification we suggest the combined proportions of people who increased or reduced their usage). In all 3 nations, the highest rates of modification were observed in the categories of frozen food, canned food, and cake & biscuits, while bread, dairy items, and alcohols were amongst the categories with the most affordable rates of modification (Table 4).
Surprisingly, just a little proportion of participants did not report any modifications in eating frequency (15% in DK; 14% in DE; 8% in SI). About half of the participants in Denmark and Germany and two-thirds in Slovenia reported changes in 3 or more item categories. Modifications in five or more product categories were reported by 17% of the respondents in Denmark, 24% in Germany and 35% in Slovenia.
The result referral classification was the group of people who did not alter their intake frequency (in Figure 2 displayed in gray color). The design fit varied significantly across the different food classifications (Table 5) and was usually “moderate” or “excellent” for fresh food, and rather “low” for non-fresh food (apart from a few exceptions).
Diet Culture: Definition, Examples, & Impacts
It is for that reason not surprising that the model fit was low in some food categories. The variance not explained by the models can be credited to aspects not managed for, foremost differences in individual food worths and methods (such as health or benefit orientation, which were not consisted of as predictors in the designs in order to restrict the predictors to a manageable number).
The design outcomes are summed up in Tables 68 (the complete model results are provided in the Supplementary Tables 24). The remainder of the section is organized according to the independent variables analyzed in the MNL regression models. The results discussed in the text are considerable at the level p < 0.
05, or p < 0. 1 (see Tables 68 for level of significance). Factors significantly associated to changes in food intake frequency DENMARK. Elements significantly associated to changes in food intake frequency GERMANY. Aspects considerably related to modifications in food consumption frequency SLOVENIA. Modifications in Shopping Frequency Across the 3 study nations, a decline in shopping frequency was significantly associated to a reduction in fresh food usage, with minor variations between the research study nations regarding the kinds of fresh food affected: vegetables and fruit (all countries), meat (DE, DK), fish (DE, DK), and dairy (DK, SI).
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Parents’ Influence on Children’s Eating Habits
Remarkably, a decrease in shopping frequency was likewise significantly related to an increase in sweet treats in all three countries (sweets & chocolate: all countries; cake & biscuits: DE, DK). Concerning the consumption of bread and alcohol, we observed opposite results in between the study nations. While a reduction in shopping frequency was considerably related to a decrease in bread usage in Slovenia, it was significantly related to an increase in bread intake in Germany.
How Culture Affects Diet
COVID-19 Threat Understanding The level of perceived threat and anxiety of COVID-19 (hereafter described as “COVID-19 threat perception”) had significant results on food intake in all of the 3 countries, however with fascinating differences between Denmark and Germany on the one hand, and Slovenia on the other hand. In Denmark and Germany, the intake of fresh vegetables and fruit was considerably associated to COVID-19 risk understanding.

Likewise, lower levels of COVID-19 risk perception were related to a higher possibility of increasing fruit and veggie consumption in Germany. These trends are in contradiction to our initial presumption, according to which individuals who are nervous about the COVID-19 virus may try to strengthen their body immune system through increased levels of vegetables and fruit usage.