
More than 200,000 social media professionals have benefitted from this online learning program developed by Hootsuite’s social media experts. The time, distance and financial constraints of higher education have all but disappeared with the arrival of distance learning via telecommunications and online technology. If you want to make money online, you may have heard of […]


Even long-term trends are susceptible to unforeseen risks and shifts. This helps you compare the information from the current report with past performance to identify trends that affect the risk of the investment. Social networks allow us to keep in touch with each other through the various ways we share information. Now let’s look at […]


Included in the top 10 most offshorable occupations was tax preparer, a job that depends on two things: financial information from a client and knowledge of tax laws. Here are the top locations for a social media job. FlexJobs: FlexJobs is a job board specifically aimed at connecting job seekers with remote work. To avoid […]


Title III of the JOBS Act addresses “crowdfunding,” a relatively new outgrowth of social media that provides funding for a variety of ventures. 3606), or the JOBS Act. The five-day, 40-hour workweek has been the standard in the United States since Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938. The law was meant to […]