
If a long-tail keyword isn’t relevant to a webmaster’s website, though, it won’t benefit their SEO strategy. Pay attention to the top 10 results that appear on the search engine results page (SERP) for a general idea of what long-tail keywords rank the highest. Watch without delay the top 10 advertisers! Chief functionalities include VIP […]


Before you carry out any kind of SEO techniques it would be beneficial if you contact us as we would be able to carry out a rigorous research regarding the most influential keywords for your industry as well as make ourselves familiar with the technical nitty-gritty of your industry. Depending on the area of specialization […]


And how are you meant to do that if your tags can’t be longer than 20 characters which for most long tail keywords is simply not long enough to fit? Note: Comparisons will be available when there are enough apps with the specified peer group matching your chosen metric. And since there are lots of […]


A long term advantage of these keywords is that they remain largely unchanged for much longer than some other keywords. It includes 8.5 hours of videos and multiple downloadable resources to teach topics like site speed, technical SEO, user experience, decreasing bounce rate, and much more. Some of the many lessons covered in this 2-house […]